
With the construction industry responsible for around 40% of all emissions worldwide, sustainability has been an important concern for Schüco for many years now.

The great thing about aluminium is that it is 100% recyclable and can be infinitely reused with no loss of quality. But our view of sustainability extends far beyond the actual products themselves. We consider our impact on the environment throughout every stage – from the design and manufacture right through to installation and dismantling.

We are committed to using resources responsibly, utilising renewable energies and designing our products in a way that enables the raw materials to be recycled after use. For us, sustainability is more than just a trend, it’s an attitude.

Carbon Control

With the European Green Deal and its ambition to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the requirements for buildings are changing. Schüco Carbon Control is a solution that offers products and services to reduce the carbon footprint of your building, for example, by using our new Low Carbon and Ultra Low Carbon aluminium.

Cradle to Cradle

The Cradle to Cradle Certified® Product Standard assesses the safety, circularity and responsibility of materials and products across five categories of sustainability performance. The Cradle to Cradle philosophy is the basis for circular product developments at Schüco and many of our systems are already certified with Silver status.

Building certification systems

Schüco products comply with the requirements of a number of sustainability certification systems such as the DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council), BREAAM and LEED. As people are becoming more aware of their impact on the environment, certifications like these are becoming of increasing interest to help them make sustainable product choices.

You have questions, we have answers

Are Schüco bi-fold doors weatherproof?
Yes. Schüco bi-fold doors feature a custom-made gasket system for excellent weathertightness.
How can I find an architect or installer for my project?
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How do I buy Schüco bi-fold doors?
Praesent id est magna. In vehicula orci velit, vel ultricies felis consectetur eu. Donec venenatis pharetra lacus ut viverra. Nullam luctus volutpat sapien, sed tincidunt diam tincidunt at. Sed ultricies dapibus diam vitae aliquet. Nulla tempus purus a enim dictum, vitae cursus elit vestibulum. Praesent sit amet dolor condimentum, fermentum arcu sed, facilisis dui. Donec sed malesuada neque, eget venenatis eros.
What U values do I need for my build?
Vivamus a sodales sem. Proin vel erat a augue imperdiet ultrices. Duis tempus neque id dolor maximus posuere. Curabitur dignissim pulvinar finibus. Nunc vitae venenatis velit.

Our products

Thinking about starting a newbuild or renovation project?